"Are you ready to face your truth?"

Got to go, have got to go
Don't look back. Please don't look back,
Check out what is in front of you,
It's not me that is holding you back,
It's not your decision that's holding you back,
It's the combination of what your past life made you into
Please, just don’t look back

Scars are surfacing from within your fears
I won't tell you to fight them,
I won't tell you to listen to your heart,
You just see that when the time is right

You'll be the one to tell me
To tell me the difference from right to wrong
You'd be the one to tell me to look back

Please go. Go fight your fears,
You'd be the one to tell me to come clean
You'll know that the past isn't there to hunt me
But it's there to show what you were.
Your mistakes,
It's there to tell you
What you can be and what you could be

So please don't look back,
Or else, are you ready to face your truth?
Are you ready to face yourself, without your guards on
