Switched at birth (2011)

I've seen the first 2 episodes recently.
This show is extraordinary, it brings something new with it, something I've never seen before. it feels real, I can feel the pain of the actors, and I'm not exaggerating...
It happens sometimes in real life when doctors mix up babies, and those babies get to be raised by people who are not their biological parents by blood. It's sad, but it happens...I've once read an article about situation like this that happened in Ukraine....there were 2 families just like in the series, that one was richer than the other, and one day when their kids grew old they finally started thinking that something is wrong with the looks of their kid.... and then when they ran the tests they figured it out that there was a mix up...yet in real life, life does not go the way you want it, and it's harder to get to know your real kid, because not every family has a pool and a mansion and a guest house....yet people still work it out.
This whole story is in order to say that this story in the show, even though is quite unreal with the fact of those 2 families turning out to be living together, but it talks about the problems and insecurities we get and how we can handle them.