
Showing posts from June, 2011

הינך, מי שאת ....

אין טעם לשנות את מי שאת, הפנימיות שלך צריכה להאיר אותך מבחוץ, את הולכת בשולי הדרך וזוהרת למימדים ארוכי טווח את מסיטה את מבטך מהוולד הרך ששוכב בזרועות אימו אל השמש הזורחת והמחשבות החיוביות והשליליות מפזזות להן יחדיו מנסות למצוא את האיזון והאיזון רחוק מלהימצא אל תאבדי את דרכך, את אמיתית בדיוק כפי שאת, אל תטרחי להוכיח את עצמך, זה לא שווה, מי שלידך צריך להוכיח לך שהוא מספיק טוב בשביל להכיר אותך כי את הינך מיוחדת, אל תסיטי את מבטך ממה שנמצא ממש מול נגד עינייך כל חיי חלמתי להיות עצמי, וסטיתי מדרכי, אבל את ילדה, אל נא תסטי מדרכך הכנה, תהיי מי שהינך את, אל תברחי לפינות כי הרי הינך בסופו של דבר עם עצמך והסובב צריך להבין שאת זאת את את מיוחדת בדיוק כמו הכוכב הראשון שזוהר בשמיים ומאיר את כל השמיים, כי את זאת את, ואין מי שיעז לשנות זאת.

Drop Dead Diva season 3 episode 2

I've got to say that "Drop Dead Diva" is one of the most well made tv shows i've ever seen ! The episodes are so well done, all the little details are well planned... and wow i've got so much pleasure watching these 2 new episodes ! i warmly recommend to everyone to see the show from the very start ! :) An amazing song that was playing by the end of the episode, named 'SAFE' by Britt Nicole.


“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.”  – Joseph Campbell Wow, that's one of the most truthful quotes i've ever heard ! You've got to see this clip from 'pretty little liars' it's so beautiful !!! i almost shed a tear ! ahhhhh! aria& ezra <3 The song in the background -   Adam Agin - Please Don't Leave Quite Yet

Switched at birth (2011)

I've seen the first 2 episodes recently. This show is extraordinary, it brings something new with it, something I've never seen before. it feels real, I can feel the pain of the actors, and I'm not exaggerating... It happens sometimes in real life when doctors mix up babies, and those babies get to be raised by people who are not their biological parents by blood. It's sad, but it happens...I've once read an article about situation like this that happened in Ukraine....there were 2 families just like in the series, that one was richer than the other, and one day when their kids grew old they finally started thinking that something is wrong with the looks of their kid.... and then when they ran the tests they figured it out that there was a mix up...yet in real life, life does not go the way you want it, and it's harder to get to know your real kid, because not every family has a pool and a mansion and a guest house....yet people still work it out. This ...

the quiet neighbor next door

I'm leaving, I've got enough. I'm passing over to you all the hate and the blame. Just a few seconds ago we were hugging, and the next thing i knew was this big filthy fight. i wanted so much to put my finger on his mouth and shut him down. but sometimes his words tore me from within. My love for him was undeniable, but it was in my mind. I've made up this illusional world, for me to escape, for me to feel loved, for me to understand why people don't love me. My whole life i looked for acceptance, i looked for love of the people that surrounded me. I needed to break free, i needed just to take a breath and start this unending battle with my fears. My fears occupy me most of my day. From the minute i wake up till the minute i go to sleep. Is there any cure? I'm longing for falling in love with someone, that with him I will find my cure.... but I'm not living any fairytale. I'm complexed, I'm too serious, I'm missing out opportunities, but I'm ...

the end of smallvile :(

The las two episodes were breathtaking ! the few last minutes slowed down my heart beat! It was a phenomenal ending. Clark finally has reached his potential ! a video clip of the song that was playing while Lane was reading Clark's vows... ahhh ...

פחד . . .

לפעמים הפחד משתק את איברי הפנימיים לפעמים הפחד מרעיד את נשמתי לפעמים הפחד גורם לי לנסוג אחורה לפעמים, אבל רק לפעמים הפחד הורס הכול אצבעות ידי רועדות, אני מחפשת דמויות מוכרות בין כל הצלליות אין אף אחד הבדידות משתלטת ושוב הפחד הפחד מעיק ומכביד על נשמתי לפעמים הפחד משתק, לפעמים הוא רק מכביד, אבל לפעמים הפחד מנטרל אותך, מנטרל את כל החושים ואני נשארת בוהה בשמיים וחושבת לעצמי איך הגעתי למצב שבו הפחד שולט בי ולא אני בו.

Vast - One More Day

a song that my heart squizzes every time i hear it!

made up perfect world

The years pass by We become older We look for a shoulder To lean on We look for hope For a salvation When I look ahead The only thing I see Is a blank page Blank, blank mind I look at my reflection And I feel uncomfortable I don’t recognize the person Standing in front of me Have i been living in illusion? Have I made myself believe that I'm something that I really am not? What am I? I have no answers I'm a delusional Living in a made up perfect world P.S i've missed smallville. and i'll miss it even more when the information of it being over, sinks in.

The Vow 2012 - can't wait ! :)

Recently I've seen The Vow's trailer. What a cute movie it's going to be! i will have to see it this valentines! :P .... i got hooked by the song that was playing along the trailer. the vow's (2012) trailer: starring Rachel McAdam's and Channing Tatum :) the song i was talking about: Joy Willaims - We Are


I was bummed by the cancellation of "Hellcats" ... but now as i've seen this following video clip of CW's newest series this fall, i've a gut instinct that this fall won't be so boring as i expected :P


staring blankly at you your deep silky voice is echoing in my head i can not imagine you anymore your profile is fading away from my memories, there are only footsteps left off of you on the picture of us on the shore how can i keep imagining what we had? if you're so far away, my mind is distant nowadays, i'm looking at the strange shades of people walking ahead they all like clowns making fun of me i'm dreading the day i'll forget your name, how will i continue my day, with the knowing that there is not going to be someone to pray for, to come back