So Called Life - Chapter 11
There's always a way to figure out what to do, but now I'm lost. I can't put the feeling I feel altogether, he's leaving, I'm staying. I lost so much time, that I could have spent with him. I can easily be pessimistic and go on and on about how bad I feel, instead I decided I will choose the alternative, I'm going to be optimistic as much as I can in this particular situation. I logged to my instant messenger and saw that he's online. "hey, what's up", I asked him, "not much you know I'm still quite in shock that you felt so much and hid it all from me for such a long time, you're seriously someone I admire, I mean I could not have done the same if I were you. There's a brick wall that stands in between us now. You know that I feel certain feelings towards you too, but those are just feelings, I don’t want to make you miserable, it would be too hard for me to handle. I think this separation is going to be something good, we are...