Paradox - the prologue

How did I feel ? I was feeling discouraged. This dreadful feeling led my day until the night.
As the dusk was slowly reaching my window – I felt the instant breeze and smiled.
I was laying in my bad and it was only 7 PM, but there was nothing much I wanted to do.
There are thoughts that are messed up in my mind.
You think that as time passes by, that you'll progress as a person, as a human being – that you'll become stronger, independent, and braver.
I stand up and reach my Smart phone, rustically like pressing on the Face book App.
Looking what are other people doing with their lives

Don't judge others by your own life experience.
You're not old enough; you've not even witnessed life to the fullest, so how could you ever dare to teach me about life?  That's what my mother tells me every day.

Only now, has it sunk in – I'm so foolishly arrogant.

I was always amazed by other people will to live, to evolve and progress.

It might seem that I'm the only person that is stuck in one place and can't move on.
